Camp Cameron
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This page will tell u about Cameron and really fresh so take a look around at my magical world. We all know that my webpage is very sexy just like the person who made the website. Feel free to fill in my polls and sign my guestbook. Thanks for coming to the site...
Leaving women satisfied since 1987 

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What's New?

Yo i gots to keep u updated about whats goin down with cameron so nobody will be now what im sayin?(no)

Important News: Well school has started and its awesome the 10-12 building is sweet and when i walk down the hall the ladies always seem to follow. lol. Jazz band is the best class i have cause all I have to do is play my saxophone and listen to music. And all the Band Thugs are going to florida in February cause we are the coolest!!! A special shout out to all my ladies and the fellas holding it down on the block.

The playa of the month.....last month

Sign my guetboook so i can see who came to my site and dont forget to take the poll........


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